יום ראשון, 9 בינואר 2022


ICP-MS is an acronym for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. ICP-MS is a mass spectrometry instrument that analyzes elements by ionizing them with inductively coupled plasma. An inductively coupled plasma creates ions from samples in gas clusters ionized by electromagnetic fields or through chemical reactions using reagents. In ICP-MS, an example is atomized and ionized in a plasma. Typically the plasma is an argon gas plasma, but helium or nitrogen plasmas can be used.

In 1928 Sir J.J Thomson first discovered the particle nature of atoms through his research of gases using electron beams, even though bits were already known to be made of particles.

It wasn't until the 1940s, however, that Martin and Synge first used mass spectrometry to analyze ions in gases through electron impact or chemical ionization; Technical limitations at the time led many scientists to abandon this method for gas analysis.

It wasn't until the 1960s that plasma sources became available. A plasma is a gas with particles removed to offer ions, electrons, and neutrals, which can be used for analyzing elements through ICP-MS.

Molecular biology lab services

Operations within molecular biology lab services, such as sequencing DNA and RNA at the genetic level, demand quality results. ICP-MS can be used to analyze a sample before sequences are performed to ensure accuracy.

Microbiology Tests-

ICP-MS is used to test for microbes within food and water samples. This testing can reveal if there are any pathogens or bacterial contaminants in the sample, as well as what types of bacteria are present. One example is checking for E. coli by analyzing a stool sample with ICP-MS. This test can be helpful to restaurants who want to check the safety of their food and hospitals checking on patient safety.

Environmental Testing-

ICP-MS is used within environmental testing to find heavy metals in water samples. This allows scientists and technicians working in environmental departments and laboratories to know if a substance has hazardous levels of heavy elements such as lead, mercury, and cadmium. 



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